Saturday, February 16, 2013

My idea of healthy eating for anyone (vegan, vegetarian, everyone)

Eating Guide:

Pure water, tea or coffee (no cream or sugar! Use honey or sweetener if you must have it)
Fruit only (shouldn't be hard considering you usually probably don't eat anything for breakfast)

More options & Weekend breaky:
Hard boiled egg, omelets (filled with veggies!), or porridge (but make your owe!) 1/2 whole wheat toast with peanut butter.


Salads (no creamy dressing or use no fat)
Soups (stay away from creamy, and sides of buns/rolls)
1/2 sandwiches (filled with MOSTLY veggies! Stay away from mayo)

Weekend lunches:

Stay away from sides like potatoes of any kind... FRENCH fries!! Don't be tricked by Sweet potato fries...

Dinner and weekend dinners:
Just remember how your plate should look. 1/2 plate add veggies/ salads/ greens (does not include potatoes)
1/4 plate add protein (meat, lentils)
1/4 grains/carbs (pasta, rice, potatoes)

Nuts, seaweed, rice crackers, cheese, boiled egg, veggies

Water, plain teas

Weekend drinks:
Diet pop to mix with alcohol or sparkling water, light beer
Stay away from fruity mixed drinks!

**not for growing children, eat often, NEVER GO HUNGRY!!**more option available this is brief, get creative and keep your plate COLORFUL!)

This is my guide to loosing weight I am not a nutritionist. More carbohydrates and energy foods MUST be added if your exercising. Think balance, don't just pick out the carb options from each category!

GOOD options:
Breakfast: banana, boiled egg, plain tea
Lunch: miso soup, salads with veggies
Snacks: any if the above
Dinner: 1/2 plate steamed spinach and brocoli, 1/4 plate roast potatoes, 1/4 plate grilled chicken

BAD options;
Breakfast: toast and fried eggs
Lunch: sandwich and cream bacon soup
Dinner: plate of creamy chicken pasta
Snacks: only crackers

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Adventurously Vegan (hmmmm maybe a new blog... We'll see)

Being a mom, student, wife, and life seeker I've decided it was time to really educate myself on nutrition. Now don't get me wrong I have always been a fan of the wonderful world of nutrition but it was time to travel further down the rabbit hole.

After having my daughter I wanted to take informed action as too what I was putting in both myself and daughters mouths. After some fads later (and I get this could just be another) but I decided to give the healthy life style of being vegan a chance.

First I'd like to say that I know if your not eating a well BALANCED diet being vegan, much like other diets, can be rather unhealthy. And secondly I would like to add though I agree that how our "farmed" animals are being treated is disgusting, this unfortunately has little to do the animals as I still and always will eat animal products of some sorts. Genetically processed, hormone pumped, steroid infected animals locked in "barns" which are actually dark prisons where our animals get no light and just as little exercise is a whole new topic on its own.

I feel that it could be very beneficial for any family to eat vegan even if just a couple nights a weeks, to not only just start your diet full of vegetables and other 'back burner' foods but also give those suppose "farmers" a good slap to the face! I decided to slowly transition to a couple nights slowly and now I am a whooping 5/7 nights vegan. So far not much weight has come off but I've only just started so I am willing to be patient.

So wish me luck and try a favorite dish.

Indonesian stir fry:

1/2 cup basmati/brown rice
1/2 cup green cabbage
1/4 cup red cabbage
Small handful of cherry tomatoes
Garlic/ onion/ green onion
Pumpkin seeds/ sunflower seeds/ flax seeds
Olive oil
Salt/ pepper
Epicure Indonesian spice (or Asian five spice but then you have to change the name lol)

*try and stick to organic as best as you can afford*

And keep in mind why it's in YOUR best interest to educate yourself on the crap in your food: parasites, worms, bacteria, steroids, antibiotics, processed (causing cancers/ other health issues) food dyes (causing ADD/ADHD *CHEDDAR IS NOT ORANGE PEOPLE*)