Sunday, October 23, 2011

Very proud!

While still lacking the train of thought required to actually putting words down on paper, I am happy to report someone else is. My cousin Christina has started her first novel and though it may be only a hobby I must say she has done quite well. I asked her for a copy of what she had so far, and I was to say the least, blown away! Maybe if I ask her nicely I can put a sample on my blog : ) Maybe the more she puts out great work the more inspired I will be to write again.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New is in the air!

So painfully I have had to put my love affair with my book on hold but it was due to the new addition to our family! And since I have also started a new love affair… COUPONING!! So while I get re acquainted with my story I started a second blog called Adventurously Couponing!! Please check it out and share some feedback and finds : )

How the idea came up..

The story I am currently working on has no title. The whole inspiration for this story came to me while dropping my sister off at the grey hound station.
I was helping her with her luggage when a guy came off the bus with a long black jacket and a large tattoo peeking out of his collar. I know it seems crazy that almost 8 chapters later came from just that, but its true. I didn’t even catch his name.